Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday - May 28, 2010 "Class Assignment"

First you must complete the post-program survey. Click the link below and complete the survey.

Post-Program Survey

Then post a blog on the following:

Now that you are done, what do you think your biggest accomplishment was?
What do you think was your biggest struggle throughout the class?
What did you like the most about the class and why?
What did you like the least about the class and why?
What advice would you give to a new class based on your own experience?
What did you like the most about your game-demo presentation? Why?

Be honest and thorough with your responses. Make sure you answer the why's of the questions.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Assignment - 5/7/2010 (Friday)

How have you overcame your biggest struggle? (Make sure to identify your struggle as well.)
Have you accomplished your goals for this week? How? If not, why?
What are your goals for next week? ( keep in mind that you should have your presentation ready by the end of next week as well as your team page completed).
Do you feel that your team members are contributed equally to the project? Explain in detail. What do they do? How much have they accomplished, etc.
How do you feel about your presentation so far? Are you confident in your game idea?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday's Blog Assignment 4-30-10

From the blog you posted Wednesday:
You put some goals that you would like to accomplish this week, repeat those goals and state whether you met them or not. How did you meet them? Why did you not meet them? What other goals do you have for next week? How are you going to accomplish any goals you did not meet this past week?

What do you think of your team as a whole? Is everyone contributing equally? What could you as a team member do better for your team? How can you accomplish this?

What are three MAJOR things your team needs to finish by next Friday?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Game Demo Presentations

These are things that you need to work on while assembling your game demo for your upcoming presentation:
The Intro Scene: This Scene should include background information of your game. Why you chose the topic you did, the audience for your game (who will play it?), a little bit about your game (just a preview, nothing too in depth)! etc.
The Team Intro: Introduce the team members and what they contributed to the game. You could also mention what your favorite part of the class/game making process was.
Primary Game Scene: In depth explanation of how your game works, etc. Then after this scene, you will add your game that you have been working on. (Don't worry, I will help you with this!)

Also Today - Thursday, April 29 - Don't forget to comment on two other students' blogs from yesterday. Have a good class!! Work hard and get something accomplished!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Working in Flash / Game Demo Progress

Write a blog about what working in flash these last two weeks? What specific things have you learned? What do you feel confident about doing on your own in flash? What has been the most difficult to do and why?
Also mention your progress on your game-demo skeleton. Have you gotten your buttons to work yet? If so, did you figure it out yourself or did you have help from a classmate? If not, how do you plan to get your buttons to work? Be very detailed on your blog for today.
Then work on getting your buttons to work on your game-demo skeleton. Please help each other! Listen to Miss Collins and have a great weekend!!! See you on Monday.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Adding Sound to Game

What did you learn from the adding sound tutorial?
Now that you know how to add sound, what types/kinds of sounds do you plan on adding to your game demo? What will these sounds do for your game? Why is sound important in games? What games do you play or know about that have great sounds in them? What is the game and what kind of sounds are in it?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blogging Assignment 4-16-10

If you were absent on Friday, April 16th, you need to make sure you complete the following blog post.

-What did you think of the live session we did with Meredith (from New York) on Wednesday - Flash layers and scenes? What did you learn?
-What did you think about making your own game-demo skeleton on Wed. and Thur.? Will you be able to do this again on your own?